Frequently Asked Questions

When do you meet?

We meet on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with an optional picnic and nature study afterwards.

Where do you meet?

In order to protect the safety and privacy of our students, we do not post our meeting location publicly. Please email us for location details. 

What ages do you serve?

Currently our school-age students range from first through sixth grade. We anticipate the age range expanding upwards as our current students grow. While younger siblings are welcome, families must have at least one school-age child (first grade and up) to join the community. 

What are the responsibilities of parents?

Mothers are responsible for attending co-op alongside their children and contributing to the learning community through the following roles: teachers, teaching assistants/substitutes, preschool helpers and other supporting roles. In addition, the work of setting up and cleaning up is shared by all families, with some mothers coming early to set up and others staying late to ensure that the facilities are left in excellent condition. All mothers should expect to serve in a variety of roles for the duration of the co-op day.

Why are core subjects such as math, reading, and writing not included in the curriculum?

We believe that one of the benefits of homeschooling is the ability to teach skills-based subjects to each child according to skill level rather than age/grade level. For this reason, these subjects are not included in our co-op curriculum but are taught by each family at home.

Do students earn grades for each class?

No. Students are not tested or formally assessed at co-op. It is the responsibility of each parent to determine when and how to assign grades.

Are you accepting families for the 2025-2026 school year?

Our co-op is currently at capacity. Please email us at if you'd like to be added to the waiting list. 

Whom should I contact for more information?

Please email us at